Wednesday, March 26, 2008

We read some strange things on the Hebron Hall, Bicester, Assembly (Brethren)website.

This stuff is being taught in the Assembly Bible Class

Under “Articles” we find some paragraphs dealing with the humanity of Christ.

Penfold has taken a quote from Adam Clarke;

He took upon Him human nature, and thus became a kinsman of the great family of the human race, and thereby possessed the right of redeeming that fallen nature of which He took part [sin apart], and of buying back to man that inheritance which had been forfeited by transgression.” Adam Clarke.

Aware that this statement denigrates Christ, he has sanitised it by adding the words in square brackets, [sin apart] thereby declaring that though Christ possessed a sinful nature, he was able not to sin. Be fully persuaded that a fallen nature is a sinful nature.

Then he claims that the blood of Christ was indeed corruptible and no longer exists.

Referring to Mark 4: 38, 39, He writes that the Lord performed a miracle in His sleep. This merely shows Penfold hasn’t even bothered to read the passage.

He thinks weariness is an aspect of human nature and hasn’t noticed that animals get tired. They feel pain, get hungry and some can even cry real tears. (Elephants will weep at the death of one of their number.)

Human nature differentiates us from the animal kingdom. Made in the image of God, we have the ability to communicate with God.

There is also a serious alteration of Scripture, when he quotes Gal 4: 4 as “born of a woman”. There is utterly no authority for this. The Scripture tells us the Lord was MADE of a woman.

These are serious errors and believers need to have their attention drawn to them.

Read it for yourselves. Hebron Hall Bicester.